
Saturday Crafternoons

We have started up a monthly Saturday afternoon craft and create group in partnership with the QE2 Activity Centre.  Members can try out different crafts each month and be able to make new friends and socialise in the process.

Wear clothing that you don't mind getting paint on.

When     When?

Usually the second Saturday of each month from 2pm - 4pm but may change due to availability.

Future dates:


Saturday 14th December  - Christmas tree decorations


Where   Where?

QE2 Activity Centre
Inside River Hamble Country Park.  Note satnav using the post code will take you to Pylands Lane, just before the barrier to the country park.  Do NOT go that way!  Go through the barrier, follow the road and the centre is signposted on the left.  If you drive into the centre car park you do not have to pay for parking.

Location map


cost     Cost?

The cost is £10, which covers all the materials needed for the crafts, as well as bottomless tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits!

Alternatively for £5 you can come along and craft using your own resources, but you still get bottomless refreshments!

To register your interest, or for any questions or queries, please email  or phone 07814 135565

You must book places so we can ensure we have enough space and materials for you.