
Compass Dance 

  • Learn and create your own dance phrases

  • Develop co-ordination, hand-eye co-ordination and movement memory skills

  • Be physically active and learn about body and space awareness

  • Dance to a range of different music

  • Meet new people and socialise by creating dances with others in the class

  • Take part in performances and develop your confidence


When         When?
Compass Dance: Mondays, (excluding bank holidays or listed dates)
6.00 - 7.00 pm

Christmas break - last session Monday 16th December, returning 6th January


Where  Where?

Wildern D@rt Centre, Hedge End  or on zoom

Click here for directions to Wildern

If you can't make it in person, you can join in our face to face sessions at Wildern School by zoom.  Click for information.

Email for zoom details 


cost        Cost?

£5.00 per week for those attending Wildern, £3 for those joining by zoom.


To give feedback on any sessions attended please click here  Dance